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Journal Articles

A Measurement method of long-term mechanical stability of support and rock mass after the excavation of galleries; Case study in Horonobe Underground Research Center

Aoyagi, Kazuhei; Sakurai, Akitaka; Miyara, Nobukatsu; Sugita, Yutaka; Tanai, Kenji

Shigen, Sozai Koenshu (Internet), 6(2), 7 Pages, 2019/09

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Measurement of rock mass deformation around the closure test drift during groundwater recovery experiment at 500m depth of Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory

Kuwabara, Kazumichi*; Aoyagi, Yoshiaki; Ozaki, Yusuke; Matsui, Hiroya

JAEA-Research 2017-002, 39 Pages, 2017/03


Authors developed a displacement meter using optical fiber sensor. The displacement meter can be set at any locations in a borehole and guarantee the measurement accuracy up to 5MPa. Total twelve displacement meters were installed in three boreholes to measure the rock mass displacement during groundwater recovery test. The measurement of the rock mass displacement was stated on March, 27, FY 2014. During the first and second groundwater recovery experiments, compressive displacements were observed close to the closure test drift wall. Magnitude of the measured displacements, except vicinity of test drift wall, was smaller than that of calculated under the assumption of it is an isotropic elastic material.

Oral presentation

Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory Project; Study on groundwater recovery experiment; Rock mass displacement during the water filling of the research gallery

Kuwabara, Kazumichi; Matsui, Hiroya; Ozaki, Yusuke

no journal, , 

It has begun to groundwater recovery experiment, which measured to build a system to measure the rock behavior using the optical fiber-type rock displacement sensor as part of this experiment in the rock mechanical investigations at the Phase III. This report presents the results of following rock mechanical investigations conducted in FY 2015. Measurement system for rock mass displacement using optical fiber was installed at the - 500m stage as part of the groundwater recovery experiment.

Oral presentation

The Measurement of the deformation during groundwater recovery test at 500m depth of Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory

Matsui, Hiroya; Ozaki, Yusuke; Uyama, Masao*; Fujii, Hirokazu*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory Project; Rock mechanical investigations around the GL.-500m closure test drift

Kuwabara, Kazumichi; Ozaki, Yusuke; Matsui, Hiroya

no journal, , 

In the rock mechanical investigations at the Phase II, the research aims at "Characterization of geological environment in the Excavation Disturbed Zone (EDZ)" from the viewpoint of safety assessment. For the research, the specific information of the EDZ such as (1) size and structures, (2) petrophysical/geomechanical properties, and (3) stress state are required. The research also aims at "Characterization of geomechanical stability around tunnel" from the viewpoint of design and construction of underground facilities. For the research, the specific information such as (4) local stress regime, (5) spatial variability of petrophysical/geomechanical properties of rocks, and (6) distribution of discontinuities intersecting underground tunnels are required. The measurement system for rock mass behavior has been manufactured and set for groundwater recovery experiment in the Phase III. This report presents the results of following rock mechanical investigations conducted in FY 2014. In situ stress measurements using Compact Conical-ended Borehole Overcoring Technique were performed at the - 500m stage. Measurement system for rock massdisplacement using optical fiber was installed at the - 500m stage as part of the groundwater recovery experiment.

5 (Records 1-5 displayed on this page)
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